Un foto-montaje y la explicación del mismo realizado por todo el grupo es la cúspide de estos días. El resultado ha sido el siguiente:
An architectural space has the ability to evoke memories through two forms of expression: transcendence and revival. Through the exploration of the human sense, a person is able to experience the building in the present while also simultaneously experiencing the past of the space. This changing of time evokes memories of place. It also allows a person to transcend from the physical constraints of the building and enter into a more spiritual realm. This realm is unrestrained from order and rule but instead it allows the person's memories to be in control. A building that integrates the past of the site through the restoration of any existing building elements is crucial to reviving its memory. The ability to explore the history of a building, through both physical elements and the transcendence of space, infinitely increases the qualities of the architecture.
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